Zion National Park Elopement. Zion National Park Wedding, Zion elopement photographer, zion wedding photographer, wire mesa elopement

Saying ‘I Do’ in the eye of the storm!

M & A started their ceremony with storm clouds coming our way, getting darker and darker by the second until they were surrounding us on all sides. Thunder and lightning got louder and brighter… but somehow didn’t rain on us.

As they stood in the eye of the storm to make their commitment to each other, their closest friends and family gathered around them with happy tears. As soon as they had their first kiss, we got a few group photos and then proceeded to RUN back to the parking lot with the rain chasing us. As soon as we were all back in our cars, it completely dumped on us.

A mixture of “oh crap” and “this is so cool” was the theme of the day. Somehow we got lucky and outran 2 different storms this day and no one got wet. Just signs all around that this was meant to be!

Zion National Park has some crazy and unpredictable weather. I was born and raised next to park and it continues to surprise me with how quickly things can change. It’s important to hire a LOCAL photographer for your Zion National Park Elopement. Someone who knows the area can help you be prepared.

As your Zion Elopement Photographer, I’m on your team with day one. Through permits, timelines, creativity with desert aesthetic, and capturing all the grand and intimate details of your day I’ll help you plan the most unforgettable wedding day that feels like you, and document your adventure in a way that feels like art.

Zion National Park Elopement. Zion National Park Wedding, Zion elopement photographer, zion wedding photographer, wire mesa elopement

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Adventure wedding & elopement photographer for couples who want epic

Hey, I'm Sammie! I’m an adventurer at heart, with a passion for storytelling. You can usually find me with my couples, hiking cliffside in Zion National Park, chasing sunsets in Moab, or exploring other wild destinations around the Southwest.

I prioritize intentional moments filled with love and capture both grand & intimate photos. I'll help you plan the most unforgettable wedding day that feels like you, and document your adventure in a way that feels like art.

We'll show you the best locations

You won't find the best locations online. You need a local expert & photographer who has spent time exploring the area and scouting these locations in person. We share our exclusive location guide only with our booked clients!

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Adventures that feels like you, and documented in a way that feels like art.

I'm an adventurer at heart, with a passion for storytelling.

I prioritize intentional moments filled with love and capture both grand & intimate photos

I help craft unique adventures in places that feel as epic as your story